- I am purchasing my books for school today. Thank God I have student loans.
- I stayed the night as Joshuas. NOTHING happened. I came over and we watched , part of REPO MEN, all of RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES and part of REIGN OF FIRE. But when we were done watching movies we it was like 1am, so I just stayed the night.
- I am going to be adopting a Boxer Puppy! From Josh's brother MB. He is the cutest puppy! His name is Lucky, I'll give you a back story on that another time.
- Work is going great. Stressful, but honestly what job isn't??
- I'm going to get my tattoo touched up tonight! AND Josh is coming with me... Which I'm proud of him for and also laughing inside because when I had it done...Well like I said I was his most entertaining client.
- I am hopefully going to be getting Duchess back with me soon!! I can not wait to get my own place so that I can have Duchess and Lucky with me...that constitutes it's own post as well.
- I worked out last night and it's official. I gained exactly 10pounds. blah.
- MB(Josh's Brother) and AB, his wife, are getting back together and moving in with Josh. So if things do progress between us, I'm sure he'll be at my place quite often.
I'm actually still sitting at Josh's. He left for work about 40mins ago, but I'm using his internet to make sure he can print a few pages for me for my classes! I will definitely be investing in a printer ASAP.
I hope ya'll have a GREAT WEDNESDAY!
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