Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma Tornados

Sadly my neighboring state lost several lives yesterday into last night. It's something I hope to never have to deal with. News crews have informed you well of everything that is going on and what happened, so I'll spare you the details. But I will ask you to pray for the families and help if you can. Maybe donate some time or some money to the local charities out there.

I was definitely worried that the storm may stay or come through my part of town. I was even more worried for Miss OKC, but thank God she and her little family were fine!!

Here are a few links to help you find things to do or places to give to help those affected.

*Southern Baptist is assisting with tree removal, laundry services, and meal services.
*Operation USA is assisting with meals, as well as emergency aid for cleaning and medical.
*United Way of Central Oklahoma is helping with immediate needs, intermediate and long term.
*Salvation Army is also taking donations and volunteers.
*Redcross is not only accepting donations but assisting in help families reconnect.
*Samaritans Purse is accepting donations and looking for volunteers.
*Save the Children is also looking for volunteers and donations, they help provide clean and safe play areas for children.

There are a ton more sites to go to and donate to. Please don't forget that there are tons of places looking for volunteers. If you can't donate money, contact several places as they will also be accepting items (food, clothes, ect). Many family lost everything.

If you have any other advice or places people should contact, please leave a comment below.

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