Well the Storage Unit has decided to cut back my hours starting with the rest of this week. It's definitely stressful, but I am hitting the ground running with the business I just partnered with. It's so excited to be able to help other people while ensuring that my daughter will have a great future with health, financially and environmentally, and be able to help my parents as well. Can you tell I'm pretty excited??
I have my breastfeeding class today! I'm excited it's finally here! Excited and annoyed really... Hopefully I will receive my breast pump today!! But I will definitely be receiving my WIC checks, it's great because I need to go grocery shopping too! I'm annoyed because they are making me take the class. Granted I can see the benefits of the class. It's just that only after I have taken the class will I receive more on my WIC checks. At least that is the impression I am under, we will see... My mom will be attending the class with me, from our short conversation this morning I can tell we are probably going to be fighting.
I finally have someone interested in the dining table I have been trying to sell since February. When I moved to my smaller apartment, my parents agreed to store three of the six chairs at their home (two towns over). Said buyer wants to pick the table up this Saturday. I called mom at a time I knew she would HAVE to be awake to be at the class on time, she didn't answer. But she did call back a few minutes later. I asked if she could please bring the chairs with her. Her response was she didn't have the time or energy. A response that highly annoyed me since my parents were constantly asking when I would get them out of their house. I told her yes she did (while I forgot to add that she indeed had time to put three chairs in her car, she assumed I meant she had the energy).
So we will see if she even brings the drill I asked her to bring so that I could install my security system, let alone the chairs.
That is right, I will be installing my security system today! I haven't gotten around to it because 1: I keep forgetting and 2: I have had yet to feel insecure at my apartments....until Sunday....
There was an older gentlemen who was walking around the complex. He gave me a really bad, hair stand up on the back of your neck kind of feeling. Long story short, once he walked away from me and my car after commenting on my pregnant state then asking if I smoked, he lit up a cigarette. I called the police because I was very uncomfortable, he had seen exactly which apartment was mine and I had to leave!! They said they would send someone to check it out.
Monday I was on my way home, I had stopped by the mailboxes then began driving to my building when I saw him again... So I can only assume he actually DOES live here. In the few months that I have lived here I have not seen him nor have I felt insecure. The security system will finally be set up today needless to add.
Then of course as always I am finishing a few crafts to sell. And also clean. My OCD is kicking in with cleaning.
I wonder if that has something to do with the pregnancy being almost over.... hmmm....
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