Still on my Chevron kick, how cute is this nursing pillow! The cover is removable also!
How cute is this little Polaroid charm! I have always wanted a polariod camera.
And a perfect bracelet to hold charms!

Isn't this the cutest!?! Finally I have found cute and plant based disposable diapers! I'm still going to be using cloth diapers, but these are great for travel! Especially because there are NO harsh or hidden chemicals in them!
This is a great sweatshirt to throw over a bathing suit! Pair it with some shorts and it's perfect for a lake day!
I miss having a doggy!! I can't wait until next year, a puppy will be a present for SweetPea and I! Puppy will probably get this bed so he can be all 'toasty'!
I am so excited to find some local (spun in the USA) yarn! This is definitely on my "To Buy" list! I have several knitting projects I can use this for... The seller says that the yarn takes very well to dyes so a person can make it the perfect color!
What a cute little hat for a little boy!
These look like the perfect spot to take a nap! Especially by a pool. Now I just need to decided if I want one for my room or wait til I own my own pool...hmm.. ;)
I just love this photo! This is a little girl with attitude and confidence! The vintage look is too cute!
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