Wednesday, March 4, 2015

An Unexpected Adventure.

{A perfectly fitting title.} 

I haven't posted in a while for a few reasons, the top and main two being that 
1: I have been very busy [two jobs, school, being a mommy]
2: Custody Court had a countdown. 

That's correct: custody court.

Even though I knew I would still have things happen the way I would prefer since courts tend to favor the mother, and there had been no attempts by LittleMiss's to be a part of her life, it was still very scary. While we were at court it was the first time he had seen her in person (as far as I know), and that he had been so close to her. Her Grammy was sitting next to him, and LittleMiss ran up to her and coyly teased him by offering a stuffed animal. 

Needless to say it was very emotional for me, and from what I understand it also was for him. Although he essentially never made eye contact with me, which was probably a good idea. I am very protective of my daughter. 

But there is good news. Very good news actually. 

Her father has decided to participate in visitation, to get to know his daughter {the beautiful LittleMiss} and to start building a relationship with her. 

Yes, this is a late start, but it is a start and thank the Lord it's not farther down the road. Visitations will start as supervised, as one day a week and slow. My baby may be incredibly smart, but this is still a lot to take in. My biggest concern is that he will subconsciously bring some of the bothers
 from the his dynamic with the mother of his son into the dynamic with LittleMiss and I. Hopefully he will be more willing than he currently seems with the start of this. 

I, unfortunately, also have divorced parents who also had to split my time between the two of them. So thankfully I was able to call my dad to vent to him and ask for advice, which he was really good at giving. He told me to above all be nice, and make sure that LittleMiss' dad and I are always on the same page. Even though he is miles away and we don't communicate as much as we need to, it was so nice to be able to talk to my dad about this. 

On this {unexpected} adventure I know that there will be rocky patches and stumbling blocks, and lots 'n lots of learning, but I am honestly looking forward to this. Interestingly enough finding out that my daughters father was truly wanting to see her, not being forced to, actually took lessened a bit of my anxiety, stress and depression off of my shoulders. 

Please keep my little family in your prayers that all goes well!

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