Anyone who works out or cares about their health can pretty well agree with me on this one: working out can be an addiction.
I just love that I can breath deeper and knowing that I am taking care of my body makes me proud. Honestly when you take care of your body you just feel better. You're happier. After all I am a bit of a health nut, I think that what you put in your body you get out. Feed it healthly foods and you'll feel better, you'll have a sunnier disposition. :)
Anyways I have an addiction to working out, especially cardio. I love running and biking. One day I plan on running in a marathon. The only bad thing about working out is my metabolism shoots through the roof. I am not lying when I tell you I eat almost everything in sight. I ate an entire plan(9in. round) of angel hair pasta, salad, and two pieces of toast. And was still hungry... That was about two days ago.
Oh and I am finally brave enough to post weight loss pictures. Nervous, but hey my new moto is go big or go home.

Last time I weighed myself(like last tuesday) I was 129. I'll weigh myself tomorrow and we'll use that as my starting weight.
What else happened today..
I had breakfast with BFTAG and his family. Love them. Went to Ashley Furniture's grand opening, had fun and food. Went to best buy like I mentioned. Worked out like I mentioned and yeah that is about it. But the best news is that I have been in a great mood all day!
Have a great night!!
(By the way be expecting more blog posts as I have much to write about!)
So... go big or go home sounds familiar ;)
ReplyDeleteCorrin! No one knows that I have a blog on here, but I do, and I just noticed you do, too. I want to work out with you! You are looking good!!