If you google or bing "Baby Gender Reveal" you will find tons of party ideas and games (very helpful), but you'll also find two differing opinions.
Should you do a gender reveal party or not? Should you just wait until the actual birth to find out the gender of your baby?
Personally I think either will work, it is solely up to the parents of said baby.
A few reasons that I have found valid for both sides are:
For Reveal:
We all have those friends and family members who are just biting at their bit to start buying baby items that are either very frilly or very blue.
Financially having all of those friends and family members happily buying those clothes, toys, décor, ect will be a big help.
Being able to properly decorate the nursery.
No longer calling the little human inside your womb "baby", "fetus", or "it".
Against Reveal:
You'll receive more than just ridiculously cute clothes off of your registry
More friends and family will eagerly show up to the birth to find out if it's a healthy boy or girl. Coworkers will actually be more eager to read text messages/emails with pictures of your very pink-squishy newborn photos to see what gender it is.
The element of pure joy and surprise when the doctor tells you at birth the sex of the baby.
Like I said it really is up to the parents. I wouldn't let anyone's opinion affect your choice. No matter what, remember to LOVE your little one, and that no matter if its a little boy or girl having a healthy baby is the most important issue.
GenderReveal Parties have definitely picked up in the past few years.
Fun little parties that (generally both parents are a part of, not quite in my case..) throw so that family and friends can share in the moment of finding out the babies gender. In my opinion I think it is a great idea, and tons of fun!
There are little games that can be played:
Oldwives tales yes or no
Have your guest wear they color they think the baby will be (pink or blue)
You can select just about any theme you want. I've decided to go with 'Under the Sea' since that will be the nursery theme.
There are several (tons) of sites and blogs that can give you advice.
I really like this one! It almost changed my mind to have a ducky theme! This blogger threw the party for her sister.
Here you will find a great show case of different themes.
Now most Gender Reveal Parties are hosted at the home, but I find that my apartment wont hold everyone. My parents have offered up their home, which I am very thankful for. At the same time I don't want to be intrusive, or have their dogs get in the way of everyone and everything as well as they live just a little further out that I do.
So the suggestion of having it at a restaurant that I love definitely has sparked my imagination. I'm sure you've heard of Mellow Mushroom, some areas don't have one. Thankfully we are blessed with TWO!! They have gluten free beer (which I can't have for a few more months..), gluten free pizza, and tons of FRESH pizza options.
I'm planning on stopping by the location closest to me to see if it would be a good fit for having the party. There will be a few small decorations, and a few favors.
And of course a cake!!
I have fallen in love with a few ideas already.
I love the multi-color of this one!!
I like the idea of sand..
I love the bubbles and the simplicity of this one!!
(all pictures were found in web searches, I have no owner ship)
The answer is that I do not want to work in the corporate world for the rest of my life. I want to do what I like, better yet love to do. But I have felt stuck. As we often do at young ages trying to make our way, our mark on the world. We become stuck trying to make money, trying to 'get a head in the world'. Which starts a fantastic circle of DEBT.
We often find our selves in debt to our eye balls, over our heads in the negatives in the reds. All to impress others, most of whom we don't actually like.
Then one day in the midst of my troubles. On a day that I was terribly torn trying to decide what I want to do with my life. Because now it is not just my life, now there is a child with me. Everything I do effects this little one. This heavenly gift.
I have found my self so torn that I have a loss of appetite, a want to sit in a corner and cry or just zone out and think about that little speck that is on the floor. How did that get there? Who did it fall off of? What had they done to have such a little speck on themselves? What if that little speck had a colony of "Whos" on it? Like the one Horton found.
Should I join the corporate world? Working a 9to5, in an office with a cubicle or if I get lucky maybe some windows? Same thing day after day after day? Office parties where people get drunk, cheat, vomit on themselves and over all leave a bad mark on their reputation. Sure the corporate world is great for those who have the drive for it, so please don't take my previous remarks the wrong way. There are tons of great business people who not only are good at their job but they also enjoy it. Even though I would get a few holidays and of course most weekends off, I can't see myself being the happiest at a corporate job.
What I really want to do is to be able to make an impact on people lives. Not one that lands me in the newspapers or on channel 40/29. Small impacts. I want to be able to have the time to volunteer, to bond with my child and be there for them. I want to be able to impact other students the way I was impacted by most of my teachers. I want to be able to write, and hopefully one day have a book published.
I want to be an English teacher; specifically high school, on a Native American Reservation. That, that is what will make me happy. It will be frustrating, it will take a lot of patience and a lot of creativity. But that is my drive. God placed that calling on my life, one that I can't shake or ignore.
So here is the video. Maybe it will impact you the way it impacted me. Not only does Alan Watts have handsome a deep voice that grabs your attention soothing you, but his words will hit you. They'll cause you to actually think.
So dear readers, tell me. "What if money was no object?"
I meant to post this a LOT earlier. Like the day after I did it. But low and behold, work, school and the want of a TON of sleep kinda got in the way. :/
So since the pregnancy (and we'll go ahead and blame it on the weather too) I have had dry skin. Everywhere. My feet are worse than usual, my hands, my legs, I've even started having dandruff. Which is a huge pain in the butt. I don't even wash my hair every day; once, twice maybe three times a week.
While looking at Pinterest (of course) I ran across something that said egg yolks were great for hair.
Light bulb.
So I saved up some yolks, roughly six of them. I believe. Too be honest, I don't really like to eat the yolks; when scrambled they smell like a wet dog, they have the most cholesterol of the whole egg, they tend to be difficult to make over medium and I can't stand over easy.
My hair is MUCH MUCH shorter than a few weeks ago so all I needed was six. If your hair is longer than just above the shoulder you will need more yolks.
Now just carefully put the yolks that are still intact in your hair first. They are easier to control. Also make sure you have a shirt on that you don't care if it gets messy. Be prepared to have yolk dripping everywhere. I did this over my bathroom sink.
I was planning on pulling it up and putting it in a shower cap, if you want to then go for it. But I found that my short hair didn't need one.
I applied the yolks to the top first, trying to coat the sides and the same time. Then flipped my hair over to get the underside. This is where it gets messy.
What I thought was really interesting is how much like hairspray this is!!! It's also pretty entertaining. The yolks will dry fairly fast, I ended up leaving them in my hair for far too long, about four hours. I suggest just leaving it in for one hour.
My hair right before I jumped in the shower. The yolks were very dry and very difficult to get out of my hair. I had to apply shampoo about three times to try and make sure I had it all out. Even after the shower there were still a few pieces I had to brush out. But my hair was a lot smoother and this whole week I haven't had to deal with dandruff at all.
If you give this a try contact me and let me know what you think! Or how it worked for you!
There are so many things that I am planning on doing. After all look at that 101 list! Which I guess I should edit a bit with a baby on the way...
Speaking of babies, I can tell when the baby moves. My lower abdomen will be hard when the baby is up front. Wow. Everyday is more and more real!!!
Back to facing my fears...
I want to go mountain biking, and I want one of those little bike car things that you can put your children in.
I want to go rock climbing(I'm afraid of heights so this is big.)
I want to go to new states, and countries and take my little one so they can have some of the best memories. Not to mention a pretty neat collection of tokens.
Having a child changes everything. That is the biggest fear I will be facing: Being a (single) mom.
I'm excited though. Being woken up on Saturday morning to "Mommy, Mommy, I'm hungry. Let's watch cartoons!!" On Christmas to little feet jumping on my bed saying "Santa came! Santa came!!"
Waking my little one up on their birthday with birthday cake pancakes and a breakfast gift.
Oh and a little helper with cooking, laundry, and dishes. Yup, I'm excited.
I know this barely touched on my 'fears', going mostly toward my Little One, I'm a little sorry and am trying not to be one of those girls who ONLY talks about their pregnancy.