Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hair Experiment #1

I meant to post this a LOT earlier. Like the day after I did it. But low and behold, work, school and the want of a TON of sleep kinda got in the way. :/

So since the pregnancy (and we'll go ahead and blame it on the weather too) I have had dry skin. Everywhere. My feet are worse than usual, my hands, my legs, I've even started having dandruff. Which is a huge pain in the butt. I don't even wash my hair every day; once, twice maybe three times a week.

While looking at Pinterest (of course) I ran across something that said egg yolks were great for hair.

Light bulb.

So I saved up some yolks, roughly six of them. I believe. Too be honest, I don't really like to eat the yolks; when scrambled they smell like a wet dog, they have the most cholesterol of the whole egg, they tend to be difficult to make over medium and I can't stand over easy.

My hair is MUCH MUCH shorter than a few weeks ago so all I needed was six. If your hair is longer than just above the shoulder you will need more yolks.

Now just carefully put the yolks that are still intact in your hair first. They are easier to control. Also make sure you have a shirt on that you don't care if it gets messy. Be prepared to have yolk dripping everywhere. I did this over my bathroom sink.

I was planning on pulling it up and putting it in a shower cap, if you want to then go for it. But I found that my short hair didn't need one.
I applied the yolks to the top first, trying to coat the sides and the same time. Then flipped my hair over to get the underside. This is where it gets messy.
What I thought was really interesting is how much like hairspray this is!!! It's also pretty entertaining. The yolks will dry fairly fast, I ended up leaving them in my hair for far too long, about four hours. I suggest just leaving it in for one hour.

My hair right before I jumped in the shower. The yolks were very dry and very difficult to get out of my hair. I had to apply shampoo about three times to try and make sure I had it all out. Even after the shower there were still a few pieces I had to brush out. But my hair was a lot smoother and this whole week I haven't had to deal with dandruff at all.
If you give this a try contact me and let me know what you think! Or how it worked for you!

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