Lets see first off....
Diaper Rashes
- Don't use anything with cornstarch, especially if it is a yeast infection. Cornstarch can make yeast infections worst.
- Coconut Oil, plain and simple, also works very well and well with cloth diapers.
- Moms have also reported Boudreaux's butt paste as a good remedy. Although you may only want to use it with a liner (for cloth diapers) or with disposable diapers!
Breast Milk Storage
- It's best to store in 4oz increments, this way when thawed if baby doesn't want more you haven't wasted. If baby wants more it's very easy to thaw more.
- Counter/Table Top (room temp): 3-4hours
- Cooler with ice (no warmer than 59degrees): 24hours
- Refrigerator (39degrees): 72hours
- Freezer (on top of refrigerator at 0degrees): 3-6months
- Chest or Upright Freezer ( -4degrees): 6-12months. The reason it stays better longer in the Chest or Upright Freezer is because they are generally colder and used much less.
Clothe Diapers
- Are great for saving money!
- They have to be washed properly or baby can develop diaper rashes and infections.
- Advice I have received (and agree with completely) is to wash the diapers with ALL natural laundry detergent.
- Most cloth diapers need to be washed 2-3times before baby wears them. This will help to take away oils that could be an issue
- (Another care link)
- are tricky.
- Some can make a baby's colic act up.
- (my opinion) The best are similar to the breast, especially if you are breast feeding. The more similar to the breast the less breast confusion there will be.
- The less air that can get sucked up by baby while feeding the better. Less gas, less uncomfortable-ness for baby, and less spit up.
- There are some disposable nipples you can buy (personally don't see the point in this)
This is just a little that I have learned! Stay tuned! ;)
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