This is a little bit of a twirk to the previous registry! Hopefully this is a bit easier for people as well as myself! I want to make sure people know that I do still want to stay as local and low impact as possible on the environment. So for my wonderful family on the coast and outside of Arkansas, please remember I will still be ecstatic for you to go to a goodwill-thrift shop-resale shop rather than buy brand new. While there are a small handful of items I prefer (want) new, I don't want everything new.
**Again, if you would rather send money, I do have a PayPal account that you can 'gift' money into, feel free to snail mail it also. If you want the money to go to a specific item, let me know and it will go to that exactly, anything left over will go into a savings account I have for baby SweetPea.
**Baby Clothes Hangers: I need about at least five or six packs of hangers. In those at least two or three that have the hooks to also hang bottoms.

**Wicker Baskets: I need about 18-23 of these. Ranging in all sizes and shapes. They will be used to hold a ton of her things. Examples include: diapers, toys, clothes, powders, towels, blankets, hats, burp cloths, receiving blankets, you get the idea.
**Bath Toys: Thrift Shop some of these! New or Used, I will be sanitizing them! (a few ideas on pinterest registry)
**Clothes: I have pinned a few ideas that I like. Thrift Shop these! It is very important to keep in mind that I need more than 0-3month. Feel free to buy in to the toddler stage! Since she will be born in August I need summer clothes that are for bigger babies(5-12mo), I need fall/winter clothes for all sizes really. Summer is cute, but winter is COLD people, especially here.
**Fishing Line: Just a small strong thread spool will be perfect. This will be used on her mobiles that I am making. Hey if you have some already you want rid of, I will take it. Gratefully.
**Buttons: I need about 20, large to medium buttons. All colors. Examples here, here annnnd here.
**Changing Pad: I do need one of these, standard size, preferable with the sides raised up. White and/or with removable covers!
**Cloth Diapers: I am not using disposable diapers. I have purchased a few already, I am apart of a co-op that I can get a really good deal on so you can send money for these. Or if you would rather purchase them, ebay and amazon have some really good deals on them. I love patterns of pretty much any kind, but a few examples are here and here. Not to mention solid color diapers are perfect. ((I have bought a pretty penny worth, please feel free to donate money to the fund! You'll get to see exactly which diapers the money went to))
**4-12oz Glass Jars with lids: These will be used to store breast milk. I need lots and lots of these roughly 80-100.
**Ribbon: I need several spools of this ranging from small width(about 1in) to wide (2+in), preferably in the smoother textures. Colors: Pink, Grey, Light Yellow, Light Green, Light Peach, Purples. Feel free to send a few patterned ribbon my way ;)
**Coconut Oil: I need four jars of this. This will be used for nipple cream, baby wipes, and sunscreen.
**Baby Wrap/Carrier: I'm not too picky about this to be honest. I do know I want one that is a wrap to use while she is still tiny and one that is a carrier/backpack style. Honestly the pattern doesn't concern me, colors though I would prefer them to be able to go with anything I wear.
**Bottles: The types of bottles pinned are the style I like. Brand isn't 100% important. I ask for at least 1package of each.
**Baby Bathtub: I need ONE tub. This I do want new, and am registering for the blooming tub in yellow.
**Humidifier: I need ONE. Again I would prefer new. This is the style I like the most and am registering for.
**Bike Trailor: Yes this is expensive, but it is a necessity for me. I live in town close to almost everything. This will be a HUGE life savor. The one registered for is the one that had the best reviews.
**Play Pin: This doesn't have to be new! But this is the only one I was able to find that I really like because of it's ability to be adjustable.
((Items in the pinkish color are the ones I would want brand new.))
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