Saturday, August 3, 2013


I've noticed that before the baby actually arrives grandparents like to claim what they will be called. Especially the grandmas, has anyone else noticed this? It may just be a southern thing. Who knows.

Well my Grammy has begun to spoil SweetPea like crazy! Which until SweetPea can really open presents and show excitement about presents, it's almost like Christmas for me!! She almost had me in tears the other day because of a gift she sent. And we all know that it's not hard to get me in tears!

Ugh! I remember this guy! Not all that vividly, but I remember him. Grammy, or GG. E (for Great Grama but I like Grammy), washed him, restuffed him, resewed him, the whole nine yards. What a great Grammy!!!??

I can't wait to be able to play the music box for her, then once she is old enough to understand tell her what her Great Grammy did.

Aint he gorgeous!?

Now my Grammy used to own a little shop in Pioneer, California. I loved that shop. It had tons of nick-nacks, hand made gifts everything. There was a back room were she would keep most of her supplies for items she would make on herself, a little TV, movies and a spot for my to take naps. Right next door there was this little pizza shop that has great soft serve ice-cream (and pizza).

I loved how simple it was and how exciting and fun all the items were that she had for sale. Sadly she ended up closing the shop, it then became a real-estate office. No where near as exciting in my opinion. But that was a few years ago, so it could be anything now.

Well, lucky for me, she kept a few things. Like this Teddy Bear! It has a rattle on the inside! How cute!?? I know SweetPea will love it!

Every now and then she would take me with her to get find some new merchandise for the store. At one market we found these little crochet/knitted outfits and such. Lucky for me she ended up having one pair of the booties left! Pink ones too!!

At first I wasn't sure if they were actually for wear or for decor so I called and we chatted and turns out they are for actual wear! They are a little big but once she grows they will be a cute addition to many outfits!

I love my Grammy and am so thankful that she is still here to be a Great Grammy.

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