Wanna take a guess at how many of those are drafts?
How...exciting? Sad? Lame? Pick your adjective.
I remember the time when I was blogging 3to4 times a week. Good times. sort of.
But I am trying my hardest to get back into the groove of things. So get ready for all of my random posts from before and ever more to come.
Exciting things are happening. I have TONS of photos from events that I need to get off my phone. Not to mention so many things that I need to update you on.
:) Heres to you kid. For keeping up to my inconsistency.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Paint Chips
Usually people use these things for selecting paint colors for their home, or a few pieces of furniture. And thanks to Pinterest, a whole slew of crafts can now be imagined or reimagined with them.
A mixture of both is the reason I have so many. But tonight they served an even greater purpose. You see it's late here in the southern mid-west, and my LittleMiss was put to bed early so that she would stop being a cranky monster. Unfortunately my neighbor decided they wanted to do some yard work as the sun was setting, which did nothing to help the recently put to bed little baby or my sinus head ache. This absolutely did not help my already foul mood.
Have you figured out how this story ends?
No? Okay, I'll fill you in.
LittleMiss and I shared some almond-yogurt with fruit, finding ways to wear her out and make a few memories. One of our biggest accomplishments this month is walking, we're up to oh-gosh about 10steps before she falls on her bottom. I cheer her on with each boom, uh-oh, and owie. Amidst our living room tickles, adventures and giggles she found the paint chips mommy had had neatly packed away.

Slowly she pulled a few out and put them away, sort of.
Then I pulled a few more out to show her the colors, and she put them where they had previously been. trying to coax her into having fun, I started spreading them out.

"Mom, mom what are you doing? You're making a mess."

Then I started getting a few giggles when I tossed them in the air. I wasn't getting the desired messy effect, so I started "makin' it rain".

That opened the flood gate of giggles.
So more of a mess had to be made, more colors explored.
I handed her a few cards and let her throw them. While it was indeed a dangerous act and I am surprised I survived with no battle wounds she had fun.
I coaxed her into crawling into my lap so that she could have more of a throwing range. A bit more dangerous for me, yet it gave me a beautiful closeness and a chance to take her hands to show the funnest way of dispersing the paint chips.

My Paint Chip Princess.
Even though my neighbor originally {unintentionally} put me in a particularly furthered bad mood, my night ended well. It made me feel like a more accomplished mommy, spending time with LittleMiss, making her laugh with {I would like to think} a little bit of learning.
Yes there is a mess to clean, but it's the best mess I've had to clean yet.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
You are my Future, You are my Legacy
Oh my little one, how I love you.
I love your tantrums that end with you giving me hugs, patting my back telling me you're done and it's all okay.
I love your random giggles at...well sometimes I honestly have no idea why you're laughing.
I love how much you eat.
How long you sleep. Or how little.
I love your dance moves.
Your love of music.
Watching you learn and discover things.
You amaze me every day. You frustrate me regularly. And you make me melt even more often.
But sometimes I just do not know how to handle you. I'm sure more often than not there is a real reason why you are screaming at me. Although I have a feeling it's mostly because you are tired of doing whatever it is we are doing: driving, eating, coloring...the list goes on...
For that I apologize, I promise I'm trying my best.
I want nothing but the absolute best for you. As smart of a girl as you already are, I can not wait to see what you become. My focus is your safety. So while you may think I'm a mean mommy for not letting you stand up in your highchair it is simply so you don't fall.
Be patient with me my little love, as I am learning every day to be the best mommy I can.
But sometimes I just do not know how to handle you. I'm sure more often than not there is a real reason why you are screaming at me. Although I have a feeling it's mostly because you are tired of doing whatever it is we are doing: driving, eating, coloring...the list goes on...
For that I apologize, I promise I'm trying my best.
I want nothing but the absolute best for you. As smart of a girl as you already are, I can not wait to see what you become. My focus is your safety. So while you may think I'm a mean mommy for not letting you stand up in your highchair it is simply so you don't fall.
Be patient with me my little love, as I am learning every day to be the best mommy I can.
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