Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day Zero

Let's get this started! Second time is a charm right? Or is this the third? Either way, I'm excited about this one. I went to Pinterest to find some ideas of things to do for my list, and it was interesting to see the varying levels of completion as well as the lists of other bloggers.

So, for new readers here is a little bit of information on the 101 things to do in 1001 days:

I had intended on having this posted on January First, but for some reason I actually had a rough time coming up with things to put on the list. I had a little too much alcohol New Years Eve to write you a proper post on January first, so I decided I would my start day would be today. I've heard that starting things on a Monday can make it easier to complete the task/to-do's at hand.

Without further ado, here my 2016 list:
        1     Read 50books
2 $10 into savings for ever goal accomplished. 
3 Blog with every accomplished goal
4 Go to an opera
5 Go to a ballet
6 Sign LittleMiss up in ballet class 
7 Build a friendship with LittleMiss father
8 Completely dairy free
9 Only eat Homemade bread
10 See a live musical
11 Go to New York
12 Go to Disneyland/World
13 Go to 2zoos
14 Go to the Tulsa aquarium 
15 Hike 5different places
16 Go camping 3 times
17 Write and send 1 letter a week
18 Go digging for diamonds
19 Ride 6000miles
20 Go on a bicycle trip
21 Go on 2 road trips
22 Take LittleMiss to Disneyland for her 5th birthday
23 Go to 3 countries 
24 Participate in three 5ks
25 Host 2dinner parties
26 Start canning
27 Start making my own jam
28 Take LittleMiss to the drive-in
29 Take LittleMiss to high rise 6times
30 Finish my yarn blanket
31 Complete two photo challenges
32 Donate my hair
33 Brush up on French
34 Learn Spanish
35 Buy a kayak 
36 Go floating 3 times
37 Complete my art deconstruction book
38 Sell current couches /Buy new ones
39 Attempt homemade sushi
40 Learn 5 Asain dishes
41 Learn 5 Mexicsn dishes 
42 Learn to waltz
43 Learn to swing dance
44 Obtain my conceal and carry
45 Go on a winery tour
46 Go to a wine pairing dinner
47 Go skydiving 
48 Make 6 fancy home dinners
49 Go on a cruise/to a resort
50 Attend a play at the RLT
51 Host an in home painting and drinking get together
52 Obtain 10 freelance writing jobs/A writing job
53 Volunteer at a nursing home
54 Go zip lining 
55 Visit NJak{previously Miss OKC} in Florida
56 Travel to New Orleans
57 Apply for 100 scholarships
58 Visit Legoland
59 Find my childhood best friend, and stay in contact
60 Take LittleMiss to the Amazeum 30times
61 Learn to snowboard
62 Volunteer at the children's shelter regularly
63 Make an outfit
64 Complete my will
65 Attend a Masquerade
66 Go to Nashville 
67 Go horseback riding
68 Complete the 100 to do in summer
69 Go ice skating
70 Explore an abandoned building
71 Visit the abandoned wizard of oz
72 Have boudoir photos taken
73 Start a birth photography  business
74 Gives Hensley a toddler big girl room
75 One month sugar detox. 
76 Purchase a new {to me} car
77 Attempt meal prep for two months 
78 Assist with an environmental issue
79 Make a cookbook
80 Maintain a SMALL garden
81 Take LittleMiss hiking 6times
82 Go to a state fair in a new state 
83 Go back to being a size2
84 Establish Native American heritage
85 Read the bible from end to end, and journal through it
86 Generate income from blogging
87 Obtain/Maintain a 3.5+ GPA
88 Participate in 12playgroup dates
89 Go to a movie, alone. 
90 Create an inspiration board
91 Take 1photo a week of pirate and I
92 Take 1photo a week of LittleMiss and I
93 Finish writing two books
94 Research and publish a book
95 Adopt a dog
96 Watch 30classical movies
97 Organize entire home
98 Host 2yard-sales; donate everything else
99 Create&Stick to a budget for at least 5months
100 Exercise or Yoga 6days a week

101 Create an adventure book

Hopefully you will be interested in making your own list. Remember to take a look at other blogger lists to see the great ideas they have!

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