Friday, April 13, 2012

Pardon my Emotions

I'm sure you greatly noticed how pathetic my last post was; but hey it happens.

As one of my best friends would say: I used my girl card.

(I'm still not entirely sure what that means..)

Anyways, as I'm sure you guess, I had to give my puppy doggy up. It is a hard but true fact. With my schedule being what it is, its not fair to her. She needs to be able to be a puppy dog and run and play and get all the love she can. So I gave her to a good friend of mine from high school. He has a ton of acres she can run and have fun on!
(I'll be honest, I did cry...a little...more than a little..)

Oh that "date" I was pretty excited about, pretty sure I was [in a sense] stood up. Yeah I give up on this guy. :/ I actually give up on all guys at this moment. My life will consist of focusing on school and work. And probably decorating my apartment.

(personal photo)

It's much more fun when they don't match.

The weight-loss challenge has been really fun. It's interesting to see how everyone is doing this and taking it so seriously. I'm proud of my co-workers, it's good to see that they do care about their health, and that we can work as a team. It's almost boosted morale, or maybe that's just spring... ;)

My sleeping pill helped a lot. I only woke up once, but was a little groggy this morning. Again though I have forgotten to take it. That will be happening soon. I'm hoping I can get on a sleep schedule, it would be a huge help. 

(I'm also going to invest in a LOT of lavender items! Shhh, don't tell ;]  )

I'm going to take my sleeping aid, and try to get some sleep. There's some chopping and snack packing I've got to do in the morning!!

Sweet Dreams!!

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