"Well MP I just finished the mockingjay and I think you would really like the series. It's grabbing and not as predictable as I had thought.
It was cute. I sat in a chair in the dining room covered in a blanket my grandmother had sewn. The chair is next to an old cast iron stove. Duke, my grandfathers dog only left his spot from laying in front of me when the other (idiotic) dogs thought there was something to bark at, even then he was only gone a few seconds. What did get annoying is how protective he is. Duke does not like the other dogs when he is guarding me.
It's actually bitter sweet because I think springer spaniels are a superb breed. But I'm not happy about how overly protective they are. We have come to a few conclusions on this behavior though. (the one I am thinking is the most accurate) one is that he can't stand my aunts other four dogs anymore than the rest of us and since he is a dog he sees her as the leader of one of the most worthless packs ever. The other is that he is a dog that doesn't like other dogs.
And for the record the petals fell as I was reading my book so I used what I had for a photo opp. ;) but the petals really should be white.
Also if any series can have me tear up at multiple times in each book, it's pretty good.
I hope you have a very uneventful flight!! Can't wait to hear from you when you land!
Sent from my iPhone"
Here is a picture of my chair I mentioned and the email I sent to a very very good friend of mine who is finally on his way home from Afghanistan. Not his home home, but where he is stationed in Hawaii.
He is a fantastic guy. :)
Oh and as to my aunts dogs. I think they are all very cute...when apart and not all together. Honestly very very cute!
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