Now that you're expecting everything you eat effects that little one growing inside you. Remember in my post about gestational diabetes? Keep in mind that you need tons of fruits and vegetables to stay in top shape. But when it comes to meat, if your a die hard carnivore, you have to be very careful!
Pre-pregnancy I wasn't much of a carnivore. Pregnancy I craved meat terrible! Thank goodness that has died down just a little!
Some people prefer their steak or hamburger to still be on the verge of moving when they get it. Others prefer just a little pink, enough to ensure a good flavor (me).
Most want it dead. Very cooked, no pink, no chance for a vet to revive it!
Sadly if you are in the upper two groups, you have to become the last group for your pregnancy. Not to mention you also have to say good-bye to uncooked sushi. Luckily most sushi places will help you choose the cooked ones, just let them know that you are pregnant!!
When cooking at home make sure you follow several very important rules!
*Always wash your hands
*Hot means hot, no lukewarmness
*Make sure all foods are cooked well (no blood comes out when you push down, no pink)
*If you have a thermometer and what to be 100% positive it is cooked enough for you and baby here are some important temperatures for meat:
Follow any guidelines your doctor gives you. As well as ask any questions you may have. One thing I have done since day one is to write down my questions. It's funny, the nurse that I've been seeing has actually begun to tell her other patients to do the same thing. It helps me because I can be so scatter brained. So new moms don't forget to write things down!