Pintrest of course has tons of ideas for maternity outfits. Not all of them are cute so I have decided to put together my own maternity clothes board, as well as show off some of the outfits I have worn! Keep in mind my style is a bit boho/hippy, but I do like a little business style every now an then!
Now I am a penny pincher! I love to buy resale/thrift shop. Which I was doing before the song came out, I am not a hipster. Let's get that straight right away. hahaha A big thing for me when I am considering purchasing clothing is:
1. Can I wear it after Sweetpea?
2. Will I wear it when I (and who ever God sends me) decide to have more little ones?
3. Is it a good price for the quality it is in?
4. Most importantly, does it look good on??
I have a few pictures of the outfits I've worn! Not many, so make sure to stay tuned for outfits and keep an eye on my pinterest page!
As you can tell: I love skirts! Oh gosh they are SO comfortable on the belly!! And I promise the pictures will get better soon! I'm saving up for a better camera!
I hope this helps a little. The bigger you get the harder it seems to be to find cute things to wear especially at affordable prices! Don't be shy or too proud to accept help from others. I know a few of the maternity pants that I have were given to me. Remember maternity pants equal heaven. I have bought maybe two pairs from the goodwill and saved so much doing that instead of going to the maternity stores. Now if you're in different states, you will still be able to save quite a bit of money!! In my area they can be anywhere from $2-$5 per pair, so much better than $30-$40per pair!!
I have heard that belly bands are a huge life saver also, especially for those first few months when you can still mostly fit into you non-pregnant clothes! I have yet to try one, so if you do please let me know what you think!!
Since over sized shirts are in style right now find some cute ones in medium/large, I tend to stick to the size I was pre-pregnancy with these when shopping. I had this blue shirt pre-pregnancy(oversized small) so I was very happy I was able to make it work as a cute outfit!
My inspiration for the outfit came from this picture:
Make sure to be comfortable, it's the most important thing! When you are happy and comfortable, baby is happy and comfortable!