Monday, May 13, 2013

Hey Mommas!

How was your mothers day?? Was it your first? Second? Twenty-third??

Did you get anything special, out of the ordinary, or just special for you?

I hope it was fantastic!!

For it being my first Mothers Day that I actually received a gift instead of only giving gifts! My church blessed me with a beautiful Mothers Day gift of a flower pot!

Pastor DG said also said a prayer over all the mothers and we had our service. One thing I love about my church is how they enjoy the beauty of mothers. How God shows his tenderness, never ending love, and caring through women and mothers.

Nothing too exciting happened at work. Honestly, I was really glad that we weren't busy, it was nice to see that families were home spending time together.

A few hours before my shift was over, some very great friends of mine brought me my first Mothers Day Card!! It made my day!

Terribly picture.. :(

My step-sister asked if I could watch her little boy so she could go out with some of her friends. Since I don't get to see him very often of course I agreed! He helped me close down the gym, such a big helper getting the light switches and TV's! Then we went over and spent some time with my friends who brought me the card! They call their place the BU (broviet union). Nephew loved it. He got to play with a guitar...

Had fun with the guys, really loved the guys and is wanting to see them again today!!
another bad pictures.... :(

It was lost of fun! First Mothers Day went very well!!