Hence the title! SweetPea and my body have been having a daily battle over my belly button. Will it pop out or no?
So far, I have been spared the Belly Button Pop. Which I am thankful for!! I have seen a few belly buttons that have popped out and look very odd even several months after birth of baby. Making one of my scares the belly button pop. At 31weeks I am still slightly normal with my belly button, it's obviously a little bit protruding, but not popped. I wake up every morning and check my belly. Once in a while through out the day I also check my belly button, just to see who might be winning for that moment.
There are a lot of beautiful pregnant bellies out there with popped buttons ;).
This blogger even did a beautiful post on pregnancy bellies. The Belly Button Pop isn't something to be ashamed of, at all! Honestly, I'm just a little vain is all. That's why I'm hoping it doesn't happen. But if or when it does, then I will be fine with it. After all my little girl is just making more room for herself right? ;)
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