When single and pregnant, friends are a little harder to stay in touch with. It's nothing against your and nothing against them, it is just a simple fact. Right now you are preparing for a little one on the way, easily exhausted or tired, not much for mobility and you probably get grouchy easy!
I have been extremely blessed to have a great group of friends, even if we aren't constantly getting together. But because I am in a different stage of my life than they are it's sometimes harder to connect to be able to get together.
At this point in your life, you are going to learn who your real friends are. The ones that will stick with you, the ones that won't judge you, and the ones that you can continuously count on. Just because you might drift away from some more than others, doesn't mean at some point you won't be able to reconnect. In fact I'm sure most of your friends will be excited to meet your little one.
While this can be a difficult time, remember there is just a little bit of good going on. It's a great time to weed out those people who you thought were your friends. They tend to be the first ones to 'drop' you or stop talking to you once they find out you're pregnant. They may also be the ones to suggest 'other options' or flat out tell you that abortion/adoption is the best. The sweet part of this time is that you will come across the fantastic people who won't judge you, will be there for you through thick and thin and a few years from now you will still be in contact.
When those times of feeling lonely start up, first remember that it won't always be that way. Then text, call, or facebook someone(s) to see if they are available for a quick get together! Go on a walk, catch a movie, have a cup of tea, swim a little! There are tons of simple cheap and free things that you can do!
Or you can get a hold of me! Catch me with a tweet or shoot me an email. I always have an open ear and a warm shoulder.
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