Yes, I know all parents and children go through the attachment stage where the babies just do not want to be left alone and are constantly with/on the parents, but suddenly it's become an even amount between Little Miss and I.
She has her days where she doesn't want me to put her down or be out of her sight, and I have my nights where when she's gone I can't sleep. Oh okay, I'll be honest I do not sleep well when LittleMiss is not at home. I know that no matter what when she is with my parents she is overall safe, it doesn't change the fact that she is not in the next room or laying in bed with me.
It's even gotten to were my coworkers see me ask, 'You look tired. Did your parents have LittleMiss last night?" Like this morning I had a very very tasty Soy Honey Latte, usually I drink excessively large amounts of green tea which works perfectly. But to day I needed to spice it up a bit.
Yes I can admit that I am a very over-protective mommy. It comes naturally ;)
Unfortunately it is one of those things that parents must gradually become accustomed to {the children being away thing}. Especially we single working moms. It's only a little more rough on me since I have begun working two jobs. The feeling of there never being enough time in the day is even more heightened.
{I have no idea whats going on with my lip. Some weird shadow. Vanity I know.}
There really is never enough time with this beautiful LittleMonster.
This evening there was a bit of a miss communication with my second job and I went in for about half an hour. I came home to this:
She had dozed off after devouring her dinner, and was in such a deep slumber when I walked in Binson and I were able to have a ten minute conversation using our regular voices. That pretty much never happens; When the LittleMonster is sleeping things must be mostly quiet, for the most part anyways.
My days are long, my nights are short. My arms more often than not craving to hold my daughter. Even though I feel like we are losing the bond we had, I hope that when she is older, she will understand why I am gone so much. This little one, the love of my life.
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