Yet the 2016 is holding the sparkle of beautiful and exciting wanderlust.
With the New Year there is already a loose yet slightly substantial schedule of things I'm so eager to accomplish, see, create, and achieve. It is all so exciting; I can't wait for January 1st to arrive so I can take everyone on the amazing journey it will be!
This time of year I find myself in love with all things glittery and sparkly, so in my minds eye I literally see glitter floating through the entire year. Okay, maybe less is floating around after January, but still. I don't think I have been this excited for a New Year in quite a long time. While Pirate does deserve a bit of credit for my excitement because it seems he loves adventure as much as I do, he can't take all the credit.
With 2016
*I'll be a semester closer to my degree
*The current plan is to travel to California twice
*Bicycle riding everywhere
*Rock climbing at least three times a month (indoors and out)
*A small yet productive garden (it will happen!)
Woah now, I think I just starting right 'resolutions', though I prefer to call them 'goals'.
Honestly, the real reason I find I am so excited about 2016 is because I am so determined to not let my dark companion have such a grip on me. I realize that he won't be gone forever, nor will his little minions, yet I feel more prepared to handle those low times. It is truly amazing how blessed I am to have such an amazing support team of people who truly care for and about me. Accompanied with the research I have been able to do, there's a new prepared feeling I have.
I know I mentioned it previously, it's just that I can't get over the excitement. To go from how low of a spot I was in during September/October, to this feeling of bliss is amazing.
Please though, do not take this as me not being...terrified...
I am.
Much more than I let on. Much more than I try to acknowledge. With all the excitement of the New Year the lightness and glitter of it, there is also my dark companion just barely running his fingers along the days of the calendar. In my minds eye he has a playful smirk upon his lips, a flirty look in his eye as he plays with the pages of the calendar days, all of which equal mischief. Not the kind of mischief a toddler would get into, or a friend playing a prank on someone; no this is the mischief of deciding which days he will own. Which days he will take from me, from my LittleMiss.
Do not mistake my current happiness and excitement as purposeful blindness or ignorance to the fact that he will never leave. That is a lesson I have learned far too well.
He is as much a part of me as is my love of adventure, or the fact that I am a mommy. I throughly enjoy the person I am when he runs off on holiday/vacation. Yet I am who I am due to him. I smile at strangers more, attempt to make everyone I come in contact with feel special, those that I care deeply about I attempt to continually know that I care and I am there for them. A stranger could walk up to me with tears in their eyes needing only a shoulder to cry on, to which I would gladly offer. Because of my dark companion do I strive to ensure that no one feels what I feel: broken, confused, alone, hollow, everything¬hing.
With all of that being re-stated, let me remind you again how excited I am for all of the great things that are just around the corner. I'm going to have my low day, as well as great days, both of which I promise to share with you.
Are you excited for the New Year? Are there things that you've decided to over come and leave behind in 2015?
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