So I am thinking about a few things, only two in perticular will I mention here.
One: Doing a partial restart on my 101 in 1001
Two: Going natural for 2012. No dying my hair and no fake nails.
The only problem with the no fake nails is that regular nails scrath really easy and I like longer ish nails, but can't handle them if they're real... On the other hand, I'll be savinng $15 a month... So it's a pretty in the air idea. I still have a few days to really think about it anyways. Not to mention the nail salon I usually go to is closed til two and then closes at seven, so that's not going to work, I've got some growth on the ones I have now and need it fixed so I'm looking up salons now... But the no hair dying things will probably be a go.
Oh about number one, I'm wanting to incorporate a few of my new years resolutions into my 101 and take out a few things that no longer interest me? Is that what I'm looking for? Not so much that they aren't accomplishable, because I know they are, just, yeah, no longer interest me.
By the way my lunch today is going to be a yummy salad and a microwave baked potatoe. :) Might evenn do a few mircowaved carrots, yumz.
found an open salon! gotta go!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
no motivation at all.
i'm chicken pecking at the moment as well.
i went to get my nails done today and the shop was closed, so now i have to fine a time to go in and get them taken care of or find someone to switch me shifts. Then I went over to the FayTown mall and bought some stuff for a Valentines party my friends and I are planning. :) ! More details as it gets closer.
Then as I was on my way to the gym, a friend from high school asked if I wanted to go shooting. It was tons of fun, and I'm pretty sure my first time to shoot a 22. :) After that I headed to the gym. I have never been so lazy AT the gym. I'm also not sure if this is sad or not but I'm starting to know a few of the workers there, which means I'm going a lot, but you can't really tell. I have ate and drank so much this holiday season it's ridiculous. My friend SH is pretty amazing, he made a work out plan for me. And will be showing me the exercises that I don't know, I think tomorrow night. I will in turn be showing BC! A new friend who is great!
Okay I'm going to go take a nap and hopefully have some motivation after.
by the way my weight yesterday was 134.2 . I'll be doing weigh ins every monday.h
no motivation at all.
i'm chicken pecking at the moment as well.
i went to get my nails done today and the shop was closed, so now i have to fine a time to go in and get them taken care of or find someone to switch me shifts. Then I went over to the FayTown mall and bought some stuff for a Valentines party my friends and I are planning. :) ! More details as it gets closer.
Then as I was on my way to the gym, a friend from high school asked if I wanted to go shooting. It was tons of fun, and I'm pretty sure my first time to shoot a 22. :) After that I headed to the gym. I have never been so lazy AT the gym. I'm also not sure if this is sad or not but I'm starting to know a few of the workers there, which means I'm going a lot, but you can't really tell. I have ate and drank so much this holiday season it's ridiculous. My friend SH is pretty amazing, he made a work out plan for me. And will be showing me the exercises that I don't know, I think tomorrow night. I will in turn be showing BC! A new friend who is great!
Okay I'm going to go take a nap and hopefully have some motivation after.
by the way my weight yesterday was 134.2 . I'll be doing weigh ins every monday.h
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!!!!
I had a few plans for this post, but I think I'm going to wing this.
I want everyone to know that I am a big supporter of our military, all branches. I find a man in uniform sexy, even more so when that is a military uniform. They put everything on the line for what they believe in. I feel horrible for not doing better at supporting them, especially one I went to high school with. He is currently in Afaganistan. So is a fellow blogger that I am about to share. I love reading her posts. I usually catch up on my google reader when I'm at the gym or getting ready for bed. I was actually at the gym when I read this post.
I think she's a great gal! And very brave for doing what she's doing.
Ladies and gentlemen I bid you Jenna McClure-Caldwell. This is one of my favorite posts of hers. It really hits home and inspires me to support the military more.
Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you've had a great day with family and friends.
Happy Birthday Jesus!
I want everyone to know that I am a big supporter of our military, all branches. I find a man in uniform sexy, even more so when that is a military uniform. They put everything on the line for what they believe in. I feel horrible for not doing better at supporting them, especially one I went to high school with. He is currently in Afaganistan. So is a fellow blogger that I am about to share. I love reading her posts. I usually catch up on my google reader when I'm at the gym or getting ready for bed. I was actually at the gym when I read this post.
I think she's a great gal! And very brave for doing what she's doing.
Ladies and gentlemen I bid you Jenna McClure-Caldwell. This is one of my favorite posts of hers. It really hits home and inspires me to support the military more.
Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you've had a great day with family and friends.
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
How I met Your Mother
I am finally done with the pilot episode! yay
Now I am just waiting on the second episode to decide it like my internet and play. Won't that be nice. I really like this show, it's very funny. Barney is hilarious.
Okay Dokie, it's been a wile since I blogged and I honestly can't remember much of what all has happend. Which is making me want to start keeping a log of my days, something I will probaby start doing soon.
Oh I can't remember if I told ya'll my phone screen is now cracked. woohoo well Then My screen locked me out since 8 o'clock last night. Lost any and all messages I recieved. A little pissed. I highly detest my phone. Highly Highly detest it. (by the way I am now on episode5!)
I will do as much of a recap as I can remember.
Thursday: I helped decorate for a Christmas/Birthday Party!
Friday: I went to a Christmas Party. Had fun!
Saturday: was the Christmas/Birthday Party!!
Sunday: was the work Christmas Party, I got a blanky with the secret/dirty santa
well shoot I was just invited to lunch! So I shall finish this later.
Now I am just waiting on the second episode to decide it like my internet and play. Won't that be nice. I really like this show, it's very funny. Barney is hilarious.
Okay Dokie, it's been a wile since I blogged and I honestly can't remember much of what all has happend. Which is making me want to start keeping a log of my days, something I will probaby start doing soon.
Oh I can't remember if I told ya'll my phone screen is now cracked. woohoo well Then My screen locked me out since 8 o'clock last night. Lost any and all messages I recieved. A little pissed. I highly detest my phone. Highly Highly detest it. (by the way I am now on episode5!)
I will do as much of a recap as I can remember.
Thursday: I helped decorate for a Christmas/Birthday Party!
Friday: I went to a Christmas Party. Had fun!
Saturday: was the Christmas/Birthday Party!!
Sunday: was the work Christmas Party, I got a blanky with the secret/dirty santa
well shoot I was just invited to lunch! So I shall finish this later.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Work Out: An Addiction
I went to the gym today. In fact I just got home from it. :)
Anyone who works out or cares about their health can pretty well agree with me on this one: working out can be an addiction.
I just love that I can breath deeper and knowing that I am taking care of my body makes me proud. Honestly when you take care of your body you just feel better. You're happier. After all I am a bit of a health nut, I think that what you put in your body you get out. Feed it healthly foods and you'll feel better, you'll have a sunnier disposition. :)
Anyways I have an addiction to working out, especially cardio. I love running and biking. One day I plan on running in a marathon. The only bad thing about working out is my metabolism shoots through the roof. I am not lying when I tell you I eat almost everything in sight. I ate an entire plan(9in. round) of angel hair pasta, salad, and two pieces of toast. And was still hungry... That was about two days ago.
Oh and I am finally brave enough to post weight loss pictures. Nervous, but hey my new moto is go big or go home.
Please excuse the messy-ness. This is a picture of my arm, well it's supposed to be the focal point. I have big arms and am going to be working on toning them down, or keeping the size but definitely strengthening them.
Here is my side picture, I am sucking in. But I am wanting to tone up. My goal is not a six pack but a smootier belly.
Oh with my new go big or go home statement, I went to best buy today. I think I know what tv, phone and laptop I want. The phone won't be 3D, which I could care less about, but it is htc and it's awesome. Now I just have to debate whether or not I'm going to cancel my tmobile contract and switch to at&t. But now that I'm thinking about it, I may wait a few months, when one company buys out another like verizon and altel for example the bigger company swallows the other.
What else happened today..
I had breakfast with BFTAG and his family. Love them. Went to Ashley Furniture's grand opening, had fun and food. Went to best buy like I mentioned. Worked out like I mentioned and yeah that is about it. But the best news is that I have been in a great mood all day!
Have a great night!!
(By the way be expecting more blog posts as I have much to write about!)
Anyone who works out or cares about their health can pretty well agree with me on this one: working out can be an addiction.
I just love that I can breath deeper and knowing that I am taking care of my body makes me proud. Honestly when you take care of your body you just feel better. You're happier. After all I am a bit of a health nut, I think that what you put in your body you get out. Feed it healthly foods and you'll feel better, you'll have a sunnier disposition. :)
Anyways I have an addiction to working out, especially cardio. I love running and biking. One day I plan on running in a marathon. The only bad thing about working out is my metabolism shoots through the roof. I am not lying when I tell you I eat almost everything in sight. I ate an entire plan(9in. round) of angel hair pasta, salad, and two pieces of toast. And was still hungry... That was about two days ago.
Oh and I am finally brave enough to post weight loss pictures. Nervous, but hey my new moto is go big or go home.

Last time I weighed myself(like last tuesday) I was 129. I'll weigh myself tomorrow and we'll use that as my starting weight.
What else happened today..
I had breakfast with BFTAG and his family. Love them. Went to Ashley Furniture's grand opening, had fun and food. Went to best buy like I mentioned. Worked out like I mentioned and yeah that is about it. But the best news is that I have been in a great mood all day!
Have a great night!!
(By the way be expecting more blog posts as I have much to write about!)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Crabby Crabby
I was so very crabby today. I woke up in a pretty good mood, late but still in a good mood and still managed to make it to work a few minutes early. I had a really good time at our little meeting before work and learned about the Tempur-pedic beds, something I needed. But I don't know, my mood went progressively down hill throughout the day. Don't get me wrong, I still really love my job and my co-workers we always have a good time.
At my lunch break, which was at 525pm :/ (again, don't get me wrong, I don't mind taking a late lunch, I'm used to it, I have just been crabby today.) my really good friend MT brought me a Pumpkin Something from Kennedy Coffee. I love that place and he definitely helped my mood improve! I also had a good time with a few of my guest.
I am pretty sure I know why I am crabby. December is the month of my ex-husbands birthday, also the month he proposed and the date is getting closer and closer. It's kinda like D-day. Sadly I have a feeling my mood will become progressively worse or just stay crabby until about the first of the new year. Which I am very excited about. I have a lot of good things planned for the new year. I plan on doing as I've stated before, starting over and going with all the new new new. :)
Oh yeah back to the crabby-ness. Um, I met a lawyer the other night, who if memory serves correctly, may be able to help me with my divorce and get it taken care of in a very timely manner. In which case I will gladly pay quite a bit more than doing it online. BUT, like I said this is my ex's birthday month, so I am going to be nice and not serve him the divorce papers, this month. This is very stressful.
I am over at mah BFTAGs house. They always spoil me here. I plan on spoiling them back as soon as I possibly can. The idea is to make cookies this Wednesday with his mom and sister in law. Should be tons of fun. I haven't baked in a while and I really do miss it. BFTAG and I have gotten kind of distant but we're working on that. It's just like any friendship though, there will always be ups and downs. And that's why we're best friends! I'm sitting in the living room at the moment in love with the glow of the Christmas Tree. It's very beautiful. I'm planning on buying my own for my room, I'm debating getting one that is a foot tall or five feet all. In which case it will be about four inches shorter that me.
And how cute would that be??
Or I can get the foot tall one and it be about four feet shorter that me :) with cute little tiny christmas ornaments :)
Thursday or Friday I am going to MT's house to help him with decorating his Christmas Tree, very exciting!! Then Friday night, I believe RGH and I will be going to another Christmas Party, and I have an Ugly sweater party coming up!! excitning!
At my lunch break, which was at 525pm :/ (again, don't get me wrong, I don't mind taking a late lunch, I'm used to it, I have just been crabby today.) my really good friend MT brought me a Pumpkin Something from Kennedy Coffee. I love that place and he definitely helped my mood improve! I also had a good time with a few of my guest.
I am pretty sure I know why I am crabby. December is the month of my ex-husbands birthday, also the month he proposed and the date is getting closer and closer. It's kinda like D-day. Sadly I have a feeling my mood will become progressively worse or just stay crabby until about the first of the new year. Which I am very excited about. I have a lot of good things planned for the new year. I plan on doing as I've stated before, starting over and going with all the new new new. :)
Oh yeah back to the crabby-ness. Um, I met a lawyer the other night, who if memory serves correctly, may be able to help me with my divorce and get it taken care of in a very timely manner. In which case I will gladly pay quite a bit more than doing it online. BUT, like I said this is my ex's birthday month, so I am going to be nice and not serve him the divorce papers, this month. This is very stressful.
I am over at mah BFTAGs house. They always spoil me here. I plan on spoiling them back as soon as I possibly can. The idea is to make cookies this Wednesday with his mom and sister in law. Should be tons of fun. I haven't baked in a while and I really do miss it. BFTAG and I have gotten kind of distant but we're working on that. It's just like any friendship though, there will always be ups and downs. And that's why we're best friends! I'm sitting in the living room at the moment in love with the glow of the Christmas Tree. It's very beautiful. I'm planning on buying my own for my room, I'm debating getting one that is a foot tall or five feet all. In which case it will be about four inches shorter that me.
And how cute would that be??
Or I can get the foot tall one and it be about four feet shorter that me :) with cute little tiny christmas ornaments :)
Thursday or Friday I am going to MT's house to help him with decorating his Christmas Tree, very exciting!! Then Friday night, I believe RGH and I will be going to another Christmas Party, and I have an Ugly sweater party coming up!! excitning!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Well Now/Wednesday Short Story
This is strange.
Pretty much everything on my screen(I'm at the Springdale Library) are those little boxes where the letters should be...or asian figures...I'm so confused.
And because of that this will be a short post, even though I am loving this internet compared to the internet at home.
I am still enjoying my job at the furniture store! But I have a cold that is trying to become bronchitis. Not to happy about it.
oh it's wednesday!! Short Story Time!
Have a great night! I'll try to do a real post tomorrow!!
Pretty much everything on my screen(I'm at the Springdale Library) are those little boxes where the letters should be...or asian figures...I'm so confused.
And because of that this will be a short post, even though I am loving this internet compared to the internet at home.
I am still enjoying my job at the furniture store! But I have a cold that is trying to become bronchitis. Not to happy about it.
oh it's wednesday!! Short Story Time!
- I love Flying Burrito!
- Hogs are going to the Cotton Bowl!
- LSU is still number one
- I have a icky raspy, hoarse voice.
- I'm planning on having an amazing New Years Eve, not sure how yet, but I will.
- BFTAG n I aren't as close... save that story for another post
- Went to Dickson and had a great time last Saturday
Have a great night! I'll try to do a real post tomorrow!!
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