'Twas a cool night as the pumpkin was placed on the dining table, warm conversation going on all around it, everyone sounded happy. The home was warm and cozy.
When all of a sudden the pumpkin felt a sharp searing pain, hearing the pumpkin next to it let out a silent shriek of terror.
But seriously, I had a lot of fun carving pumpkins. Unfortunately LittleMiss was too tuckered out to join in.
Speaking of LittleMiss, the above is her as a pre-halloween Chocolate Monster. Truly it was scary.
My LittleMonster was a great helper when we ran errands on Halloween Day. She even loved her little ladybug baby doll from her GGE. Whenever her little horns fell off she was very sure to let me know so that they could be put back on right away. We were even able to get a few pieces of candy when did a quick trip to the Samaritan House Thrift shop. Even as a little monster this girl is able to steal the attention of anyone walking by.
LittleMiss had so much fun trying to keep up with her BigBrother while trick-r-treating. The best part was honestly, whenever the houses would open their doors the tiny Monster thought she could just go right on in.
But because Halloween was far too cold for such a tiny Monster to be out for long we came back to Grammy's and tried a few pieces of candy.
The next morning, all cleaned up and happy to still be with Mommy, MK, Grammy and BigBrother, she was even happier to have pancakes stuffed with yummy apples.
LittleMonsters have big appetites.
Once we got home from such a busy morning, I decided not to let the fun end there: LittleMiss had more costumes to try.
And of course a 'parents Halloween' was planned as well. I even managed to run into a really good friend of mine while out and about.
I'm not going to lie, for doing my make up myself, and having about an hour to do so I feel like it turned out pretty well.
I honestly can't wait until next year so that LittleMiss can have some more say so on her Halloween outfits.