Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fun way to start off a Saturday

Being a baker I wake up anywhere from 330AM to 4AM. I haven't had a day off in a little while so I asked Kunkle if he could work my shift this morning so that I could catch some sleep and do some organizing. Well I arrived at my mothers just before seven and passed out on the couch with in 20minutes. 
As in I was gone. Sitting up.  When henny started crying because she was hungry I woke up with a little crick in my neck. 
For those of you with-out children you will  learn that when a wee one falls asleep in the car seat, you leave them asleep in the car seat. Well I mean you bring the car seat inside but still. 
The thought of going down stairs and getting in to an actual bed fluttered through my mind, so did the fact that it's much colder down there. LittleMiss and I fell back asleep on the couch until five o'clock when my hip started to hurt. Not to mentions body was all "why we sleepin' yo?! Why aren't we bakeing?!" Trying to convince my body that I could sleep an extra two hours, I had the brilliant idea that maybe my bed coud seal the deal and I would find myself in snooze-ville in no time. 
Until the unthinkable happened:
I fell down the stairs. 
While holding LittleMiss. 

She's okay though! Thank GOD!! I don't know how I fell but all I could think about was making sure she was okay and safe. Pretty sure I cried harder and longer than she did. Not from pain (although I have realized  I will have a nice bruise on my rear) but from feeling so terrible. 

My big girl if fine though, she has a nice shiner but she's just fine. 
I have not gone back to sleep or attempted to walk down stairs with her again. 

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