Wednesday, December 28, 2011


So I am thinking about a few things, only two in perticular will I mention here.

One: Doing a partial restart on my 101 in 1001

Two: Going natural for 2012. No dying my hair and no fake nails.

                 The only problem with the no fake nails is that regular nails scrath really easy and I like longer ish nails, but can't handle them if they're real... On the other hand, I'll be savinng $15 a month... So it's a pretty in the air idea. I still have a few days to really think about it anyways. Not to mention the nail salon I usually go to is closed til two and then closes at seven, so that's not going to work, I've got some growth on the ones I have now and need it fixed so I'm looking up salons now... But the no hair dying things will probably be a go.

 Oh about number one, I'm wanting to incorporate a few of my new years resolutions into my 101 and take out a few things that no longer interest me? Is that what I'm looking for? Not so much that they aren't accomplishable, because I know they are, just, yeah, no longer interest me.

By the way my lunch today is going to be a yummy salad and a microwave baked potatoe. :) Might evenn do a few mircowaved carrots, yumz.

 found an open salon! gotta go!

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