Monday, June 25, 2012

Coach Potato

Ah the couch potato. I have not been one of those in a long time but hey here I am layin on the couch, texting and watching Teen Mom. 

Which by the way, whats her name...Amber? I'm worried she's fried her brain with drugs. As she sits there talking to her grief counselor she seems very stoned. I know that's a little harsh. 

I have a bunch of photos to upload. but it took about half an hour for me to upload about six of them to face book, so you will have to wait until tomorrow..

In the mean time I started my diet to today.. 

Then the end of the day happened and I crashed.
Why? You may ask.

I'll tell you:
About 750 a guest came into the store and I 'volunteered as tribute' ;) .They were a very friendly couple and I had absolutely no problem helping them. They even purchased a table and 8chairs and our repair/replace plan. Fantastic. :)

I didn't leave til about...930. I was starving. I ate 5cookies. I could barely stop myself. So my two days of starting the diet will be turned into four days. Woohoo. No pain no gain right?? Needless to say I was a little flustered after I left work. 

An old close friend of mine ended up texting me and asking if I wanted to go to dinner and catch up; I agreed. So we'll be meeting for dinner at 7pm tomorrow. I will be very strictly sticking to the diet. All I can eat is fish and two veggies. So that is all that's gonna happen. :)

I also can't believe I'm doing this but here are my Start Pictures. The Weight Loss pictures will be uploaded Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, you can guarantee one of those days. I don't know my starting weight. And I won't be using a scale for a while. Less pressure that way. Although come July 1st I will have to; we are doing a weight loss competition and it ends that day. 
Well I'm rambling so here are the pictures, I guess I should attempt to go to sleep after all I was just 
informed it's one in the morning. Don't know how that happened!!

This one was supposed to be cropped..thanks for failing me iPhone. 

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