Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Interviewing a Doula/Questions for a Doula

This is from first hand experience, so I hope that is helps you as well! I am a person who does a TON of research on even the simplest things when it comes to my pregnancy (and almost anything else in life). So when I was looking for insight and suggestions about finding a doula, I was very much unhappy with what I found. Most of it was general info, or questions. Hopefully this will be for you the post I was never able to find!

First thing to do is decided if you want or can afford a Doula. For myself, at first I wasn't convinced that I would need one or really be able to afford one.
But upon getting closer to my due date I have begun to see a need for one. Since I am doing this pregnancy alone, and really the birth also, I decided a doula would help quite a bit. Not only will she be there to support me during the birth, remembering techniques I will probably forget as well as reminding me I do have a voice when doctors want to try procedures, she will also be able to keep the peace between my mom and I.

I've mentioned time and time again, my mom and I have a rocky relationship. While I love her and am beyond thankful that she is supporting me and wants to be in the room with me, I know that things can turn sour in less than a minute. So I started doing my research!

Will she be helpful?
Is she worth the money?

The overwhelming answer from a co-op on facebook I'm involved with is yes. But it's very very important that you find the doula that fits best with you! One doula crawled in bed with the mom and held her, not even getting upset when her shoes were thrown up in. Other doulas have even been there for C-Sections, supporting the mom through the whole thing.

What is most important to me, through this entire pregnancy and trying to find a birth place/help/ect is could this person and I be friends? Before or after pregnancy? Again, that is just a personal preference, but this makes me feel so much better, more comfortable. So I contacted a highly recommended doula, who ended up being booked for August. Kinda sucked but it was obviously not meant to be. She referred me to a great site for my area: NWADoulaConnection.com . I went through reading all the information that the individual doulas had posted. Several of whom caught my eye, and I contacted. Apparently August is going to be quite the baby month! Most were already booked (doulas usually don't take on more than two expecting mommies for the same month).

I was very happy with the fast responses I received from most of the women! Next came setting the date for the interview. But what was I going to ask? Online there really aren't many advice questions.
So I decided to take a few notes from some generic sites I found and try to come up with my own questions as well. The lack of other blogging mothers sharing their experiences kinda made sad.

My Questions For a Doula:

  • Why did you become a doula?
  • What training have you had?
  • How many births have you attended?
  • Can you tell me about your best and worst experiences?
  • Do you have children?
  • Do you have any other moms expecting in August, if so are they close to my date?
  • Do you have backup doulas in case you were unable to attend the birth as planned?
  • What are your refund policies? Especially in case you were unable to attend the birth?
  • When do you like to join the mom for labor: at home or at the hospital?
  • How do you see your role during birth?
  • I am a single mom, the father is not involved, which could make this a little more emotional for me, are you comfortable with that situation?
  • My mom and I have a rocky relationship, would you be comfortable intervening if need be?
  • How would you help her support me?
  • What other services do you offer? (some doulas also offer secondary services such as classes, postpartum support, placenta encapsulation)
  • I am planning on doing placenta encapsulation, do you support this?
  • What tools and comfort measures will you bring with you?
  • Are you willing to go over my birth plan with me? (Most doulas ask a questionnaire similar to a birth plan and have no problems reviewing one with you.)
Questions For Myself:

  • Could I see us being friends outside of this arrangement?
  • Is she warm and friendly?
  • Is she knowledgable?
  • Does she support my choices?
  •  Does she listen and communicate well?
  • Do we have the same views?

I was lucky enough to meet with two fantastic ladies a few weeks ago. I had these questions written down prior to meeting and made sure to keep them in front of me for the meet up. I personally like to do a little chit-chat prior to jumping to business. This helps me get a feel for the person, as well as indirectly having them answer some of my questions with out it feeling too much like an actual job interview.

While I had a good time with both ladies and feel like each of them could have been a good fit, I decided to go with Beth. (She has okay-d that I mention her name and website). She and I seem to be a little more in tune and on the same page. And I really do feel like under other circumstances she and I would have become friends, hopefully we will stay in touch after birth.

So while having a doula is not for everyone, I really do hope that this tid bit helps some of those that were thinking about hiring a doula. As well as those that aren't sure were to start with interviewing a doula.

What are your thoughts? Good experiences and bad? Is there anything I left out?

**This post is not at all endorsing or endorsed by any sites or peoples mentioned.**

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