Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2016 {goals}

Whether or not you write them down, or tell others there is a strong chance that you will make New Years Resolutions. Lose weight, read more, cook at home more yada-yada. Generally the resolutions are generic, yet occasionally meaningful and inspiring. I don't think I shared mine last year, and the only reason I'm sharing them this year is so that I can keep myself accountable through you.

  • Ride my bicycle essentially everywhere. Granted the weather will play into this more than I would like to admit. Yet all the days that I can I plan on popping LittleMiss into her trailer and riding were ever we need.
  • Rock climbing 3times a month. Inside and Outside. Hopefully before summer I'll feel comfortable enough to go out on real rock.
  • Start going to church again. I've been lazy. I've been pushing myself away from God, selfishly of course. 
  • More days outside. With LittleMiss, especially, yet also alone and with any and everyone who will join me. 
  • Become minimalistic. This is something I've been striving to obtain for a few months, let's be honest, I haven't actually tried. 
  • Give LittleMiss her toddler version of a big girl room. This is exciting for me, also slightly scary. The Godfather is moving out, so I will be finding a wee bit of extra income (I like being over prepared). 
  • Landing a few creative writing jobs. Please see the above bulletin. Due to the quest for a wee bit of extra income, I am attempting to land a few freelance writing jobs. As you know I love to write, so this will be a win-win. 
  • Take three road trips. At least one to Nashville, hopefully one to California, and well ya know where-ever adventure takes me. 
  • This:

  • Stick to Budget. You haven't been clued in on this quite as much, but I tend to slack on this. I tend to be far to liberal with my money.
  • Restart my 101 in 1001
  • Maintain a GPA above 3.0. 
  • Put some distance between myself and social media. I had been doing well at staying away from social media, yet I've found it making its way back into my life. Mindlessly reading articles I don't care about on Facebook; Mindlessly checking Facebook; Conversations via Snapchat and not phone call/text message. Although my photographing every intimate moment of my life to share with the internet has lessened, a thing of which I am proud. 
  • Adjusting bedtime to 730 for LittleMiss. While this will prevent me from having extra time with her, it will ensure she is properly rested for the day to come. Selfishly, I will also be able to complete homework, as well as clean. There happen to be a few ideas floating around that I am probably going to test to see how well they work.

    That is probably more than you want, yet I'm excited to get it all started! 
    Do you have any big resolutions you're excited to start? Or even any good suggestions for the goals I have!? I will gladly take all the advice on anything ever. 

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